I am again honored that one of my favorite blogs, KevinMD, picked up a shortened version of my Professionalism APGAR post! Two features in one week... lots of activity here! You can view the KevinMD post here. KevinMD (read more about founder Kevin Pho here) is a blog that syndicates pieces on …
PracticeBalance Featured on Mark’s Daily Apple!
Mark's Daily Apple has been one of my favorite blogs since I started reading blogs. Founded by Mark Sisson, nutrition/lifestyle expert and author of The Primal Blueprint, the site consistently posts thought-provoking content in line with Mark's comprehensive plan for healthy living. What I love …
The AMA Defines Balance on Pinterest!
If you haven't checked out the virtual collage website Pinterest, you may want to set aside a few hours (!) and do so. While it is addictive and could potentially be a time suck if you're not careful, it's a fun way to express creativity if your personal black bag of stress management tools includes …
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!
"Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labour by taking up another." - Anatole France As a recovering chronic cardio queen, I often sacrificed sleep to get in another run in hopes of "staying fit" during residency. First up, I apologize for the lengthy gap between …
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!Read More
Have you lost the ability to be professional?
What does it mean to be a professional? And how do we maintain our professionalism at a time when things such as stress, burnout, and caregiver fatigue can degrade our motivation? In medical school, you learn early that one of the best ways to remember important information is to attach an …
Disability: Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em
While I have been feeling healthier and stronger than ever, I was reminded about disabilities recently... about my own and about how we all have them to some degree. I recently underwent an ACTH stimulation test to see if my body is doing any of its own signaling to cortisol, the important stress …
Disability: Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’emRead More