Please excuse the lack of posts on PracticeBalance, but I have just returned from a long vacation... the first in at least 4 years and the first of (hopefully) many similar vacations. I had hoped to post this during my trip, but my current lack of blogging skills rendered me unsuccessful (this …
Are chronic sleep deprivation and call nights making you fat?
A new study out in the journal Science Translational Medicine makes a direct link between disregulated sleep and metabolic derrangements that lead to poor health and weight gain. While there have been several epidemiological studies drawing correlation between sleep deprivation and hyperglycemia, …
Are chronic sleep deprivation and call nights making you fat?Read More
Lessons Learned from a Patient: Me
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.” – Brene Brown Within a week of my diagnosis, my family had descended upon my home and I was wheeled into the OR for a transphenoidal tumor resection. The tumor would be approached through the nose, but my surgeon warned me …
The Stress of Match Day
Happy Match Day to all of those medical students who will be soon graduating and moving onto residency! While it is a day of relief in some ways, one more hoop that you've now jumped through on your journey to being a doctor, it can also be a day of stress. And that's not to mention the stress and …
Famous last words… “I know I don’t have a tumor”
After a brief hiatus for board study and a short vacation to the sun, PracticeBalance is back with another installment of my personal journey to balance! It feels like spring in Salt Lake already, but regardless of the weather, miniscule tree buds and longer daylight hours signal the …
The Doctor-Patient Relationship: 2 Souls Intertwined
Last week, Dr. Abraham Verghese gave a speech titled similar to that above as part of the Tanner Lecture Series. I was lucky to spy the ad in the free local rag at the coffee shop and then lucky enough to score one of the last tickets! Verghese is the author of the popular Cutting for Stone as …
The Doctor-Patient Relationship: 2 Souls IntertwinedRead More