As I have discussed many times on this blog, infertility can be a stressful and difficult thing to endure. Infertility is shrouded in shame, and yet it is quite common in our society. As women choose to have children later in life, egg quality diminishes and leads to lower pregnancy rates. In addition, age and a longer period on this earth put us at an inherently increased chance for a medical diagnosis that could impact fertility. My infertility issues fell into both of these categories, but now (after lots of intervention) I am 21 weeks pregnant!
Heather Huhman has suffered repeated setbacks in her quest to become a mom, but instead of delving into despair, she decided to use her experiences (and those of many other women) to help others who struggle with infertility. She recently started a podcast called Beat Infertility, in which she interviews “success stories” in addition to women undergoing current treatments. She also publishes short expert interviews on topics such as infertility diagnoses and treatment techniques. Not only does this podcast provide inspiration for many women, but it also lifts the air of shame surrounding infertility by allowing people to openly discuss their experiences.
I’m proud to be featured as this week’s success story! You can listen by going to her podcast website and either streaming or downloading to Itunes, Stitcher, etc. When I was struggling through failed cycles and two week waits, I wish I had had this resource. Check it out as a source of inspiration for proper self-care, even if you don’t have infertility!
I keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep going strong!
Thank you for your words of encouragement!!
Thanks for sharing!!!!!