Are you going through the motions at work, feeling like the life is being sucked out of you but still trudging along because “that’s the way it’s always done?”
Have you lost the joy in your profession?
Here’s another scenario you might relate to: you’ve taken steps to refine your work-life balance, but there are still some specific work scenarios that you absolutely hate or you wish were different in some way.
If any of these apply, you’ll want to listen to this week’s Lean Out Podcast.
My guest is Dr. Cory Fawcett of Financial Success MD. Cory is a retired general surgeon who spent 23 years in private practice in rural southern Oregon. During his glidepath to retirement, he started his company to help doctors navigate the world of personal finance. He’s a speaker, coach, and author of several books in The Doctor’s Guide series. The most recent book, The Doctors Guide to Finding Joy in Your Work, will be released on March 11, 2025.
In our conversation, we discuss Cory’s unusual side pursuits as a general surgeon and how he was able to create time in his busy schedule for hobbies and family trips. We also go into different types of rest, what most doctors get wrong about vacation, and the one thing holding many people back from having more joy in their work.
You’ll love this conversation!
What is one thing you wish you had more time to do in your work-life balance? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below!