(Scroll to the bottom to listen to the podcast version of this post)I just came back from a retreat, and it was magical. Well, not really. Just a group of physicians connecting in nature, doing reflective activities together, and not adhering well to the set schedule because of all the side …
Lean Out Podcast: Mindful with Jessie Mahoney
With mindfulness in your back pocket, any transition can be easier.My guest on the most recent Lean Out Podcast is Dr. Jessie Mahoney. Jessie is a pediatrician by training who spent years doing clinical work as well as serving as a wellness officer for her group before transitioning to the world of …
Lean Out Podcast: Intuition with Orisa B. Water
Have you ever found yourself in a workplace where your values don't mesh with the values of others around you? How did it affect you - physically, mentally, or otherwise? In her book Daring Greatly, Brene Brown said, "The space between our professed values and practiced values is where burnout …
Lean Out Podcast: Joy with Cory Fawcett
Are you going through the motions at work, feeling like the life is being sucked out of you but still trudging along because "that's the way it's always done?" Have you lost the joy in your profession?Here's another scenario you might relate to: you've taken steps to refine your work-life balance, …
How Do You Define Success?
Success can mean many things... including the first egg from the henhouse.Of the many topics and points I could have included in Lean Out, I felt this was an important concept that most people agree with cognitively but don’t often practice in real life. In fact, I also included as one of the …
Lean Out Podcast: Cruxes with Halley Stocks
The crux of a rock climb is a "problem" section. A puzzle of sorts to solve. We all encounter many cruxes on our respective journeys, whether they be climbs or professional paths. My guest this week on the Lean Out Podcast reminds us to focus on solving the problem at hand instead of the final …