All over the internet, you see proud parents posting about amazing things their kids have done – winning games, earning trophies, getting awards.It’s beautiful… but also incomplete.There are so many things our loved ones do that don’t fit the outward metrics of success and adoration, and it’s my …
Lean Out Podcast: Intensity with Stella de la Vega
One day, I was listening to a favorite podcast when my ears perked up: this woman physician was talking about participating in long distance, multi-day sailing races. She described the intensity of working in close quarters with team members, leaning into the constant uncertainty, and the skill of …
Lean Out Podcast: Conviction with SC Gutierrez
Making $23,000 a year just out of school, Sarah Catherine (SC) Gutierrez was approached by mortgage brokers about buying a $250,000 house. She almost fell for it. This was 2008 😳, and luckily her dad talked some sense into her. This experience, among others during that tumultuous time, gave …
A Dream That Made Me Question My Path
(Note: If you'd rather listen to this article as a podcast, click here.)Last night I had this dream. I was attending a conference with some of my other doctor blogger/coach/entrepreneur friends, and the scene turned into my classic “anxiety dream”: I had to be somewhere, had to meet some people, but …
Lean Out Podcast: Courage with Susie Sharpe
Have you ever felt like you picked the wrong career? Like you had a passion you did not honor and chose your professional path for another reason (certainty, security, expectations of others...)?My guest on the Lean Out Podcast today had always wanted to be an artist. At age 16, she and her family …
Lean Out Podcast: Challenge with Melissa Vela-Williamson
“A lot of us have these little crucible moments... These hinge points where things need to change. And if we're smart about it, we move with that change instead of just ignoring it.”Melissa Vela-WilliamsonYou've done hard things in your life, and you've gone through watershed moments. But do you …
Lean Out Podcast: Challenge with Melissa Vela-WilliamsonRead More