"I think you might like this book," he said."Have you read it yet?" I said."No, but I requested it from the library and think you would like it more."Great. Another thing he wants me to read, was my initial thought.You see, my husband sends me articles, electronic books, and podcasts frequently. …
My Anti-Resolution Word of the Year
I'm done with New Year's Resolutions. While the new year is a great time to be inspired by change and rebirth, resolutions can be a source of unnecessary stress. What? By when? How? Etc. The older I get and the more I study and teach self-development, the more I realize that this is a long game. A …
Hindsight is 2020: A One to Ten Year Review
How many more upheavals, disasters, etc. can happen before 2020 ends? There's still time...It goes without saying that 2020 has been a crazy, unprecedented year. It feels like it's been inordinately long yet rife with big changes. And many of us are now realizing our personal goals for the year were …
My Top 5 Ways To Say No
When's the last time you said Yes to something that later you wish you'd said No to? Last week? Last month? Last year? In any case, approaching a scenario where you need to say No can invoke horrible feelings: guilt, worry, dread...Saying Yes to one thing means saying No to another, and that's the …
Minimalism Beyond Stuff
There's no better time than the season most associated with consumption to talk about STUFF. Not just physical stuff, but also the stuff you can't see. And the ramifications of that stuff. I never thought of myself as a minimalist. I was definitely an over-buyer, a maximizer, and a collector. Dolls, …
There Are Three S’s in Balance
You think you know how to spell balance. Maybe you think you know how to achieve balance. But do you know about the three S's in balance?I first wrote about these concepts as a fledgling blogger and new attending physician in 2012. Back then, my execution was a bit rough around the edges, and a big …