Leaning out doesn't have to look like an abrupt, dramatic transformation. After my health scare and wakeup call to get off the Treadmill of Achievement, I began my medical career in a desirable, no-call position. I worked 3-4 days a week clinically, had the ability to take vacations of decent …
Navigating the World of Social Media
In today's always-on, information overload, highlight reel, echo chamber world, how do you stay sane? How do you balance social media and device use - arguably an imperative activity for most of us - with other things that matter?I recently prepared and delivered a talk on this subject at The White …
Create a Life You Don’t Have to Escape From
After a little break from creating content, I'm baaaaaack! The last episode of Lean Out was released during Christmas week. After that, my family and I had a quiet Christmas and New Year on our property, which was increasingly becoming colder and snowier. Luckily, we had a few trips to warmer …
A Dream That Made Me Question My Path
(Note: If you'd rather listen to this article as a podcast, click here.)Last night I had this dream. I was attending a conference with some of my other doctor blogger/coach/entrepreneur friends, and the scene turned into my classic “anxiety dream”: I had to be somewhere, had to meet some people, but …
The One Thing You Can Rely On
Change. Uncertainty. We do many things to resist them and avoid them. Yet they keep happening.Living on a large piece of property out in the wilderness has given me a unique perspective on change… a very “in your face” perspective.You see, every day we take walks and do projects on the land. And …
A Lesson in Faith and Magic
I looked up today and noticed it was August. On the homestead, we recently moved into our new tiny house setup we had designed for over a year to fit the perfect meadow with the perfect view. The projects leading up to this, and the projects yet to come, have collided with summer kid activities and …