The hardest part of doing IVF is this phenomenon known as the Two Week Wait. After an embryo is implanted, the pregnancy hormone HCG does not rise to detectable levels for approximately 10-14 days; thus, you have to wait two weeks to find out if the procedure was successful and you are actually …
MRI: Punishment Anesthesia or Growth Opportunity?
I opened my obligatory late-afternoon email to find my work schedule for the next morning: three general anesthetics for MRIs. My heart sank. A week before, I had been assigned to the new neuro MRI suite for a 6-hour interventional radiology procedure, followed by another intervention in the CT …
Book Review: Thrive
I greatly admire Ariana Huffington; I have always loved the content and structure of the Huffington Post. She was a pioneer of the modern blogging movement, and when I first started this blog I read the Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging. It was extremely practical, well-written, and helpful …
You Never Hear Doctors Say, "I Can’t Come In Today, I’m Sick."
The surgery resident was seeing stars as she sutured the wound. "I need a chair," she whispered, slowly sitting back into the air behind her (where no chair currently existed). The nurse caught her, and I ran over. "I'm just not feeling well. I threw up earlier this morning." I gave her an …
You Never Hear Doctors Say, "I Can’t Come In Today, I’m Sick."Read More
A Technology Vacation…??
In keeping with my recent thoughts on simplicity, my husband and I decided it would be a good experiment to see how we would fare without our most oft-used technology and media devices - phones, internet and computers, TV, radio, and car. After all, there were lots of projects to be done around the …
Pathway to Simplicity
The other day, we watched a documentary called Tiny. It really made me think: could I live full-time in 100-200 square feet of space? How about with another person, even? Participants in the tiny house movement are doing just that. They have various motivations for downsizing, but the basic common …