The first physical activity I resumed after my baby's birth was walking. Oh how I missed being able to walk without waddling in pain, which had become the norm during my last trimester due to massive fluid accumulation in my legs. The joy of walking pain-free again has been compounded by the absence …
Beating Infertility
As I have discussed many times on this blog, infertility can be a stressful and difficult thing to endure. Infertility is shrouded in shame, and yet it is quite common in our society. As women choose to have children later in life, egg quality diminishes and leads to lower pregnancy rates. In …
Ode to the Deadlift
This is the picture that most people associate with the deadlift. It even has an ominous name: Dead. Lift. But we have all deadlifted, even my grandmother. Have you ever bent down to pick something up off of the floor? Then you have, too. The deadlift is one of the most revered exercises, and …
The Kaizen Principle: Are You Living It?
Kaizen, literally translated from Japanese as good change, has been defined in English as "continuous improvement" or "philosophy of improvement". My husband, who runs a patent law practice, uses this symbol as the core principle of his business, encircled by the terms, "inspire, innovate, …
The Stress of No Stress
Ever heard of that depression paradox, wherein the prevalence of depression in developing countries is often much lower than developed countries? This is often tied to Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs. In the developing countries, people are generally struggling and focused on getting their basic needs …
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!
"Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labour by taking up another." - Anatole France As a recovering chronic cardio queen, I often sacrificed sleep to get in another run in hopes of "staying fit" during residency. First up, I apologize for the lengthy gap between …
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!Read More