(Note: If you'd rather listen to this article as a podcast, click here.)Last night I had this dream. I was attending a conference with some of my other doctor blogger/coach/entrepreneur friends, and the scene turned into my classic “anxiety dream”: I had to be somewhere, had to meet some people, but …
Minimalism Beyond Stuff
There's no better time than the season most associated with consumption to talk about STUFF. Not just physical stuff, but also the stuff you can't see. And the ramifications of that stuff. I never thought of myself as a minimalist. I was definitely an over-buyer, a maximizer, and a collector. Dolls, …
A Balanced Interview #2: Eliza
Note: You may have noticed that the blog has been unreachable for a number of days. More on that later, but I'm happy to say it's been restored! Here is my first post-apocalypse article. Enjoy!Our next interview is with my friend and fellow blogger Eliza, the Minimal MD. She has a compelling story …