I recently completed my first cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF). It is a long and detailed process, requiring lots of resources, money, time, and patience. The first stage involves, ironically, taking oral contraceptives to reset the hormone milieu and force all eggs into a senescent, follicular …
Realms of Balance: How to Assess Yours
I recently heard a very good interview of a man named Stewart Friedman. My ears perked up when he said, "You have to constantly figure out what is important to you." The concept of self-care through continuous reflection and assessment is something of central importance to this blog. The Wharton …
There are Three S’s in Balance
This post is brought to you by the letter "S"... A couple of weeks ago, I gave a talk to our local medical school on the importance of stress management and wellness for physicians in training. As a reminder during the holiday season, I wanted to share the key points from my slide, "My Keys to …
I’m not a resident anymore; I’m the boss, and I’m cancelling your case.
The patient had arrived for a urology procedure with a blood glucose in the 400's. He suffered from a recent stomach bug and had gotten off schedule with administration of his meds. While his GI symptoms had subsided, he was feeling crappy overall. I decided to cancel his case and went about …
I’m not a resident anymore; I’m the boss, and I’m cancelling your case.Read More
Maximize Happiness by Recognizing your Childhood Limitations
Prioritizing is a big part of time and stress management for busy professionals, but it requires self-awareness and a hard look at your deeply held principles. Through my own self-discovery and reflection over the past few years, I've noticed a pattern... I am the most happy when, amongst other …
Maximize Happiness by Recognizing your Childhood LimitationsRead More
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!
"Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labour by taking up another." - Anatole France As a recovering chronic cardio queen, I often sacrificed sleep to get in another run in hopes of "staying fit" during residency. First up, I apologize for the lengthy gap between …
Exercising to relieve stress? Stop logging the miles!Read More