[To listen to this article as a solocast, scroll to the bottom of this post]Happy Labor Day! If you look up the holiday, it will ironically say something about a “tribute to the achievements of American workers”. But you know how I feel about the word achievement 😄If you delve deeper, the …
The Conflict of Being an Anti-Hustle Entrepreneur
Part of my work-life balance involves writing, podcasting, and coaching. But wait… don’t those things involve some amount of "hustling" to get business?There are messages everywhere telling entrepreneurs to “go big or go home”, “leverage to grow,” and “scale scale scale”. I have definitely preached …
How to Deal With Impostor Syndrome
How impostor syndrome came up for me recently, and what I did to deal with itI pulled up to the big hospital near downtown in the dark of the early morning. Six police cars surrounded the yellow-taped entrance to the ER. After parking, I filed through the main entrance. This involved a bag check, …
An Appeal to Physicians to Normalize Infertility
I've talked a fair amount about infertility on this site. But how does it dovetail with designing your ideal work life balance? Physicians (and other professionals, for that matter) are conditioned to put our heads down and keep working. To not appear weak. To not ever get sick. But the reality is, …
Book Review: From Strength to Strength
Every once and again, a book comes along that impacts me so much, I feel the need to do a review. You can find my reviews of other books here:ThriveBetter Than BeforeMindsetFour TendenciesSolve for HappyThe BookToday, I want to discuss From Strength to Strength by Arthur C. Brooks. I first learned …
Is It a Failure or a Learning Opportunity?
So. For months, I’ve been talking gangbusters about how I’m going to give this talk on infertility to a large audience at a major medical conference. I talked about it here, in my newsletter, on my social media, etc.I recently gave the talk, and I want to share my experience with you.The White …