You've heard sayings such as "40 is the new 30", etc. However, a female child is born with all of her eggs, and as she ages, those eggs age with her. When she grows up to be a woman, she may follow a perfectly healthy lifestyle and appear younger than her real age in many ways. As a rock climber and …
Comparisons: An Easy Trap
"Comparison is the thief of joy."- Theodore Roosevelt We all fall victim to comparing ourselves to someone else at one time or another. However, I've noticed that pregnancy is an especially easy time to fall into the trap of comparison-making. My first case-in-point: My belly, the most obvious and …
Coloring for Adults
From this To this When I was a little girl, we went to visit my grandparents in another state. While there, I entered a coloring contest at the local shopping mall. I said to my grandmother, "Now grandma, when I win, you can just send me my prize." This prompted laughter from the …
Book Review: Mindset by Carol Dweck
Although I read it a while back, this book cannot escape my mind; I keep seeing it referenced in articles and hearing it talked about in interviews. Seems fitting to share with you! In Mindset - The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck identifies two types of predominant patterns of thinking in …
Beating Infertility
As I have discussed many times on this blog, infertility can be a stressful and difficult thing to endure. Infertility is shrouded in shame, and yet it is quite common in our society. As women choose to have children later in life, egg quality diminishes and leads to lower pregnancy rates. In …
A New Kind of Body Confidence
As goal-oriented, driven people who are sometimes prone to perfectionism, body image can be a source of stress for many of us. Leave it to pregnancy to completely change mine! I have always been known for my tall slenderness, a substantial part of my ego (for more on what makes up one's ego and …