This is the picture that most people associate with the deadlift. It even has an ominous name: Dead. Lift. But we have all deadlifted, even my grandmother. Have you ever bent down to pick something up off of the floor? Then you have, too. The deadlift is one of the most revered exercises, and …
Happy Birthday: Advice I would give my 21 year old self
I turned 41 recently, which prompted me to think about how much has changed in 20 years. What would I say to that 21 year old woman, the one working away at her chemical engineering degree, falling in love with her boyfriend, trying new things like rock climbing after growing up a music nerd? Here's …
Happy Birthday: Advice I would give my 21 year old selfRead More
Seeing Love
I used to think of love in the typical ways that we all do: the love between a parent and child, romantic love between two individuals, love as admiration and dedication to a certain practice or cause. But I'm seeing it differently now, just as a thing that IS. Everywhere. For the month of …
Slow Mornings…
The operating room is definitely a morning place. Cases start at 7:30 am, which means that preparations can take place up to an hour beforehand. Luckily I tend to be a morning person, so I still get up fairly early whether it is a workday or not. And those non-work, slow mornings are truly a treat …
Making 2015 Resolutions? Frame Them Around Known Components of Happiness
"In between goals is a thing called life, that has to be lived and enjoyed." - Sid Caesar At the start of a new year, most of us contemplate some type of resolutions, whether they be fitness or diet-related, improvements at work, or changing of certain habits. However, effective goal setting can …
Making 2015 Resolutions? Frame Them Around Known Components of HappinessRead More
Top 5 Posts of 2014
I have seen this done by a few bloggers I follow... What a great idea! It was so fun to look back at all the posts I've written this year. Based on internet traffic, I would like to give you a list of the five most popular posts from 2014. #5 was actually a tie for a few posts, as they were very …