[To listen to this article as a solocast, scroll to the bottom of this post]Happy Labor Day! If you look up the holiday, it will ironically say something about a “tribute to the achievements of American workers”. But you know how I feel about the word achievement 😄If you delve deeper, the …
The Conflict of Being an Anti-Hustle Entrepreneur
Part of my work-life balance involves writing, podcasting, and coaching. But wait… don’t those things involve some amount of "hustling" to get business?There are messages everywhere telling entrepreneurs to “go big or go home”, “leverage to grow,” and “scale scale scale”. I have definitely preached …
A Dream That Made Me Question My Path
(Note: If you'd rather listen to this article as a podcast, click here.)Last night I had this dream. I was attending a conference with some of my other doctor blogger/coach/entrepreneur friends, and the scene turned into my classic “anxiety dream”: I had to be somewhere, had to meet some people, but …
Lean Out Podcast: Experiments with Cheri Wiggins Aiello
Dr. Wiggins. Mrs. Aiello.She uses both titles and loves it. Her orchestra of balance is playing a rich musical composition.This episode of the Lean Out Podcast features my conversation with Cheri Wiggins Aiello, whom I've known for a number of years. We initially met at the very first White Coat …
Lean Out Podcast: Experiments with Cheri Wiggins AielloRead More
An Appeal to Physicians to Normalize Infertility
I've talked a fair amount about infertility on this site. But how does it dovetail with designing your ideal work life balance? Physicians (and other professionals, for that matter) are conditioned to put our heads down and keep working. To not appear weak. To not ever get sick. But the reality is, …
Navigating Infertility as a Busy Professional
"It’s been a huge stressor but I have been able to have shifts covered. Of course, I’ve had to tell colleagues more of my personal life than I’d wish."Many women physicians with infertility don't want to discuss their diagnosis. Many infertile couples in general keep their struggles private.Why? …