Lots of people say what they’re going to do, but not everyone does what they say. “I’m going to …” lose 30 poundsleave a toxic joblearn a brand new skillBut many times, the follow through just doesn’t happen. There are lots of reasons for this rooted in human nature. None of us like to fail, …
The Value of a Mini-Reset Right Now
It’s August, which means September is right around the corner…September often has a “new year” feel, being that it’s associated with back to school, the close of lazy summer days, and the slow transition to crisp fall air and even crispier leaves under our steps.As an adolescent, I remember spending …
Achievement Without Self-Care Is Empty
"I made a big mess over here!" my daughter yelled gleefully from the hallway. When you're 5, making messes is just part of the fun. I reluctantly peered around the corner to find pink kinetic sand all over her legs and the floor. (Thanks, Mom for gifting her kinetic sand, BTW!) I sent her to the …
My Anti-Resolution Word of the Year
I'm done with New Year's Resolutions. While the new year is a great time to be inspired by change and rebirth, resolutions can be a source of unnecessary stress. What? By when? How? Etc. The older I get and the more I study and teach self-development, the more I realize that this is a long game. A …
Hindsight is 2020: A One to Ten Year Review
How many more upheavals, disasters, etc. can happen before 2020 ends? There's still time...It goes without saying that 2020 has been a crazy, unprecedented year. It feels like it's been inordinately long yet rife with big changes. And many of us are now realizing our personal goals for the year were …
#FinCon18 Wrap-Up: My Experience at a Blogging Conference
In my adult life, the only conferences I’ve attended have been related to earning Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit. However, one of my 18 for 2018 goals was to attend a different type of conference (and to do it on my own – I’ve never been away from my toddler for longer than 2 days!) …
#FinCon18 Wrap-Up: My Experience at a Blogging ConferenceRead More