Have you ever taken a trip or done a reset that left you rejuvenated, only to find yourself back into the same familiar, energy-draining patterns once you returned to everyday life?I've been there. Likely, we've all been there.Our first season living on our new alpine off-grid property was kind of …
What I Learned From A Multi-Day Toenail Drama
It started back in May. She dropped her stainless steel sippy, and the bottom rim of it landed right in the middle of her big toenail. For hours, she was beside herself. All we could do was kiss and hug her and say, "Yep... it sucks to drop something on your toe."It was the first, but it won't be …
Interesting Skills I’ve Acquired As A Practicing Anesthesiologist
(Image of unicorn via Cartoon vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com )It doesn't matter where I'm standing, the type of object I'm about to throw away, or which hand I'm throwing with. I always make it into the trash can (well, almost always). It's become a standard joke of mine when people …
Interesting Skills I’ve Acquired As A Practicing AnesthesiologistRead More
Disaster Preparedness and a Disappearing Blog
Right around the start of the new year, I set out to change some structural things on my blog in the interest of SEO. My efforts to take the blog more seriously in 2018 led to a migration of all content from an outdated platform to a new, modern style. I spent more time writing. I spoke on a …
Prioritizing Holiday To-Dos
When I was a little girl, my standard response to the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" was Wonder Woman. This was at the height of the character's popularity. I loved her on TV (yes, I'm dating myself) and in comics. She could do anything, and of course she was beautiful.There is …
Growing Up, Changing My Mind, and More Money Matters
Our daughter just turned 3 years old last week, and life with her can only be described as an amazing journey. It seems like yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital on Thanksgiving weekend in a snowstorm. Yet, it feels like she's been with us forever. How is that dichotomy possible?For …
Growing Up, Changing My Mind, and More Money MattersRead More