(Featured image of butterfly courtesy of Jim Lowman)“Failing to plan is like planning to fail”You want to stay healthy, but you don't have a lot of time. When you go to the gym, do you show up with a workout in mind, or do you aimlessly wander around wasting time while you decide what to do?You want …
Balance Is Not Moderation
We all want balance... but what is it, really? The word balance is commonly used, yet it sometimes gets a bad rep in the habit-formation and self-help arenas. “There’s no such thing as work/life balance” people will say. They’ll interchange other terms such as integration, equilibrium, or …
You Don’t Have To Hustle
I have a professional (albeit part time) job, a family, and a "side hustle" - this blog. Yet I only post an average of twice a month, I barely have an email list (which I just acquired the technology to start), don't have sponsors and have barely used any sort of monetization on this blog. Compared …