"Changing a habit may be simple, but it's not easy, and the more tools used, the better." - Gretchen Rubin, Better Than Before Former New York lawyer turned happiness expert Gretchen Rubin constructed her first book The Happiness Project from blog posts framed around a year-long challenge of …
Shoe-drop thinking: How to let go of the past?
I'm pregnant, again... I'm almost 10 weeks along and definitely feeling symptoms of first trimester pregnancy this time. No big announcements, clever texts or Facebook posts, no balloons or flowers or drama. Just quiet and cautious happiness... somewhat. You see, it's actually been difficult to …
Using Rituals to Alleviate Stress
(Image courtesy of 9comeback at FreeDigitalPhotos.net) We all incorporate small rituals into our lives, such as performing a particular order of operations or one little task that always has to be done before or after something else. For you, it might be the steps you employ to make your morning …
Dear Dawn: How do you decide on a specialty?
I got this comment on one of my blog posts and decided to turn it into a "Dear Dawn" post: "Thank you for your wonderful weblog and wise words! Sorry if I'm commenting where I shouldn't be, but I wasn't sure where to ask this question. I'm just a med student but I noticed you're an …
Ode to the Deadlift
This is the picture that most people associate with the deadlift. It even has an ominous name: Dead. Lift. But we have all deadlifted, even my grandmother. Have you ever bent down to pick something up off of the floor? Then you have, too. The deadlift is one of the most revered exercises, and …
Happy Birthday: Advice I would give my 21 year old self
I turned 41 recently, which prompted me to think about how much has changed in 20 years. What would I say to that 21 year old woman, the one working away at her chemical engineering degree, falling in love with her boyfriend, trying new things like rock climbing after growing up a music nerd? Here's …
Happy Birthday: Advice I would give my 21 year old selfRead More