How's your January going so far? If you've been reading my posts for a while, you know I'm usually all about doing less, removing stuff from your life, and so on. And after the excesses of the holiday season, many of us have an inclination towards less anyways.Buy less.Eat less.Drink less.Stress …
You Don’t Have To Hustle
I have a professional (albeit part time) job, a family, and a "side hustle" - this blog. Yet I only post an average of twice a month, I barely have an email list (which I just acquired the technology to start), don't have sponsors and have barely used any sort of monetization on this blog. Compared …
Mindfulness Through Uncertainty
We were on a rock climbing trip in Colorado, this time with baby in tow. Five days into the ten day trip, I was so exhausted from consecutive nights of very disrupted sleep that I decided to cut our trip short. Bleary-eyed and unfocused, we headed back home hoping for restorative days in familiar …
Self-Care Triage
If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of a visit to the ER, then you or your injured party were involved in triage. Maybe you sat there waiting to be seen, wondering why others were called back before you. If your reason for showing up in the ER is less serious than another person's, you …