Working in an operating room and following my patients postoperatively give me a great appreciation for the role of proper body functioning before and after surgery. I distinctly remember my own postoperative experience after major brain surgery, six years ago this month. I spent days lying in a …
Easy Immune System Boosters: Staying Healthy in a Germ Factory
Despite my continuing dependence on adrenal steroids to stay alive, I normally fancy myself as being pretty healthy. I mean, my work involves literally sticking my face in other people's faces (once they're under anesthesia, in order to secure their airways). People like me who work in a hospital …
Easy Immune System Boosters: Staying Healthy in a Germ FactoryRead More
Lessons from my Daughter: Listen Closely, I’m Trying to Tell You Something
She's 14 months old now, and she tears it up all over the house. Climbing on furniture, getting in and out of her wagon, falling down and making messes as she goes. But we've been waiting to hear some words from her. She babbles quite a bit and we make sure to foster that, but we've been at a loss …
Lessons from my Daughter: Listen Closely, I’m Trying to Tell You SomethingRead More
Working On Me Again
Fitness and nutrition have played a significant role in my life since my days in Arizona as an undergraduate, a skinnyfat 19 year old who had only ever played music (not sports) as a kid, trying to impress a very tall athletic ex-volleyball player. (I'm now married to that guy!) In over 20 years, …
PB Top Posts of 2016
After the major events of 2015, this year has been about adjusting to the addition of another whole person to our family. I'm not going to lie, it has been challenging to morph the activities of our daily lives as she grows up, from 24/7 needs to crawling to walking and getting into everything. It's …
Is Upgrading Always Worth It?
Upward mobility. We're geared to seek it as goal-driven professionals, as Americans, as humans. Our innate sense is to improve our circumstances, otherwise we run the risk of becoming weak and irrelevant. In modern circles, though, this evolutionary holdover has morphed into a ridiculous constant …