"It’s been a huge stressor but I have been able to have shifts covered. Of course, I’ve had to tell colleagues more of my personal life than I’d wish."Many women physicians with infertility don't want to discuss their diagnosis. Many infertile couples in general keep their struggles private.Why? …
How Are Finances Related To Self-Care?
What truly IS self-care? Self-care is more foundational than simply getting massages or pedicures. It's recognizing that you must know yourself and pay attention to yourself before serving others - at work and at home. It's being attentive to YOUR particular physical, mental and emotional needs. …
Interesting Skills I’ve Acquired As A Practicing Anesthesiologist
(Image of unicorn via Cartoon vector created by freepik - www.freepik.com )It doesn't matter where I'm standing, the type of object I'm about to throw away, or which hand I'm throwing with. I always make it into the trash can (well, almost always). It's become a standard joke of mine when people …
Interesting Skills I’ve Acquired As A Practicing AnesthesiologistRead More
Money Matters
Do you know how social security works? Are you maximizing contributions to a retirement account? Have you ever heard of a 529? Money. It's not a topic people commonly like to discuss, and yet it's very important our overall well being. Physicians are notoriously horrible at managing money, and …
(Anesthesiology) Ladies Who Lunch
I practice in a large group at an academic hospital, where I might go weeks or months without seeing some of my partners at work. Many of us (including me) work part time, and lots of anesthesiologists in the group wear varied hats that take them to other places such as a clinic, classroom, or …
Busting the “Hidden Curriculum”
The medical school at my hospital is now offering a structured Wellness Lecture Series for the first and second year students during their lunchtime break, and I was proud to be a part of it last week. I was the first presenter this year with my Heal Thyself talk. It was an honor to share with them …