Upward mobility. We're geared to seek it as goal-driven professionals, as Americans, as humans. Our innate sense is to improve our circumstances, otherwise we run the risk of becoming weak and irrelevant. In modern circles, though, this evolutionary holdover has morphed into a ridiculous constant …
Dealing With The Transition From Maternity To Reality
This article on KevinMD was published a week or so before the end of my maternity leave. As I read it, steam emanated from my ears. How dare the author insinuate that physicians lose their technical skills from taking time off equivalent to more than a mere weekend? What about those who must take …
Dealing With The Transition From Maternity To RealityRead More
Dear Dawn: How do you decide on a specialty?
I got this comment on one of my blog posts and decided to turn it into a "Dear Dawn" post: "Thank you for your wonderful weblog and wise words! Sorry if I'm commenting where I shouldn't be, but I wasn't sure where to ask this question. I'm just a med student but I noticed you're an …
Introvert or extrovert? Recognize when you’re "out of your element."
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? This question has been discussed in books, articles, and social media recently, as the answer can affect big factors in our lives: how we conduct business, the success of our relationships, parenting style, and what kind of job we would be most happy …
Introvert or extrovert? Recognize when you’re "out of your element."Read More
Self-Care Triage
If you've ever had the unfortunate experience of a visit to the ER, then you or your injured party were involved in triage. Maybe you sat there waiting to be seen, wondering why others were called back before you. If your reason for showing up in the ER is less serious than another person's, you …
Busting the “Hidden Curriculum”
The medical school at my hospital is now offering a structured Wellness Lecture Series for the first and second year students during their lunchtime break, and I was proud to be a part of it last week. I was the first presenter this year with my Heal Thyself talk. It was an honor to share with them …