Do you have a best friend? Of all your "Facebook Friends", neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances and even family members, how many of them are you truly close with? How about yourself - do you treat yourself the way a true friend would? I think about these things from time to time, especially around …
Doing Hard Things (Follow Up): My Tactical Strength Challenge Experience
Early one recent Saturday morning, we drove to a gym that we had never been to on the other side of town. We entered the Crossfit style training facility, registered and weighed in, then warmed up with Metallica's Enter Sandman blasting from the speakers. Three hours later, the Tactical Strength …
Doing Hard Things (Follow Up): My Tactical Strength Challenge ExperienceRead More
Building My Emotional Bank Account
On a recent busy morning, I was packing lunches and gear to spend a half-day at the climbing gym on the other side of town, all while getting myself dressed, scrolling through my email, eating an avocado and drinking coffee. Suddenly she became fussy and restless, signaling that we need to get …
Doing Hard Things
In the past, I had a predominantly fixed mindset that led me to focus on doing things that were relatively easy for me. I was naturally good at music and academics in school, though I struggled with sports. Then one day, I slowly shifted into a practice of embracing challenge. After getting a taste …
(Anesthesiology) Ladies Who Lunch
I practice in a large group at an academic hospital, where I might go weeks or months without seeing some of my partners at work. Many of us (including me) work part time, and lots of anesthesiologists in the group wear varied hats that take them to other places such as a clinic, classroom, or …
Not A Cruise
"A luxury, once regularly experienced, becomes necessity." - Unknown I've never been on a cruise, but I would imagine that the focus is on luxurious convenience. You're craving escape from your current life, your job, your routines. You need - no, you DESERVE - relaxation and pampering. To have …