What is Community? When I contemplated it as one of the four realms of balance in my writings here, I found it the most difficult to describe. What does Community look like for you? Family is very important to me and is definitely a part of my Community, but it’s also a part of my Home. Many people …
You Don’t Have To Hustle
I have a professional (albeit part time) job, a family, and a "side hustle" - this blog. Yet I only post an average of twice a month, I barely have an email list (which I just acquired the technology to start), don't have sponsors and have barely used any sort of monetization on this blog. Compared …
Disaster Preparedness and a Disappearing Blog
Right around the start of the new year, I set out to change some structural things on my blog in the interest of SEO. My efforts to take the blog more seriously in 2018 led to a migration of all content from an outdated platform to a new, modern style. I spent more time writing. I spoke on a …
#FinCon18 Wrap-Up: My Experience at a Blogging Conference
In my adult life, the only conferences I’ve attended have been related to earning Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit. However, one of my 18 for 2018 goals was to attend a different type of conference (and to do it on my own – I’ve never been away from my toddler for longer than 2 days!) …
#FinCon18 Wrap-Up: My Experience at a Blogging ConferenceRead More
Are You Reaching Your Goals for 2018?
This year, I decided to make a list a la Gretchen Rubin of 18 things I want to do in 2018. I discussed the idea earlier in an earlier post here. I thought it seemed like a nice way to make some intentions for the year without a lofty list of resolutions. Instead, the list simply serves as a kind of …